I think this screenplay was written by a couple of junior high students whose lone experience in life has come from watching MTV. Actually, it is close to being funny, but right before you are about to laugh at how dumb it is, you are more repulsed by how bad it is. Then there is the acting, or lack thereof. I just love the way all of the "performers" pose and "front" for the camera. They look so moronic! I guess what you want to know, is this film so bad that it is good? No, it is so bad that it is horrible.Oh yeah, the story is about crews that challenge each other to "dance-offs." Really, it is.
'Sentiment: Negative ☹️'
Let's start off with the best part of the movie. Steve Harvey. This man is usually funny, or at least mildly humourous. In this movie, he had maybe 5 lines, all of them not funny. We would believe that he, as a dance off judge, has more power than the apparent bad ass "gansta" boss. The dancing looked good. I commend the people in the movie for their talent, but the movie stank. Like an old septic system. The acting was substandard at best, the direction poor, timing lousy and the characters were 2 dimensional. Not to mention that the "competition" movie is a terrible cliche.I wanted to write a better review, but I feel as if a percentage of my brain wasted away while watching this horrible thing.Don't bother with it.
'Sentiment: Positive 🙂'
Really good movie with a good story about friendship and loyalty, good soundtrack with good dancing and a happy ending, what more could you want.